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    DUKPT Overview and Transaction notes


    I was asked on another post relating to DUKPT to provide some backgound. Given I have lots of material on the subject, I thought I would create this thread. Link


    I will come back at some stage and expand on this when I get time.

    Transaction Process narrative:

    The diagram describes a mobile terminal/ATM is described using the a AS2805 (‘2805’) message type and 3DES DUKPT and dual direction auth SSL from the terminal to the aquirer (transaction switch).

    A good explanation of DUKPT can also be found at Wikipedia.


    Diagram of the flow


    DUKPT transaction flow - terminal to bank

    DUKPT transaction flow - terminal to bank


    Background notes:

    • The terminal or ATM firstly encrypts the user entered pin (may be a unique DUKPT key or static, depending on the design and banks involved) prior to incorporating it into the AS 2805 transaction message.
    • the message is then encrypted again using the DUKPT key which has been established through the merchant logon process within the aquirer Host Security Module (HSM) i.e. the user entered pin is encrypted separately and encapsulated within the DUKPT encrypted 2805 message to provide full message encryption.
    • In the diagram a separate dual authenticating SSL session is also used between the terminal/ATM and the aquirers infrastructure. This allowing the transaction including the pin to traverse the external Wired/GPRS/LAN within 2 primary independent layers of encryption, with a 3rd protecting the PIN.
    • When the transaction enters the aquirer environment the message encapsulation layer provided by SSL is removed.  This leaving the DUKPT’ed 2805 message which also encapsulates the separately encrypted PIN.
    • This encrypted message is passed to the aquirer switch engine through to the aquirer’s HSM for decryption of the 2805 message excluding the user entered pin.
    • This is when transactional information necessary for aquirer’s merchant reporting (truncated card number, transaction amount, transaction type, etc.) and fraud management data is collected.
    • The aquirer switch then passes the encrypted PIN to the aquirer HSM requesting that the PIN be decrypted using the aquirer’s PIN encryption and translated to the next banks (Bank 1)  PIN Encryption Key (Pin translation only occurs within the aquirer HSM) This is then sent back to the aquirer Switch engine as the Bank 1 encrypted PIN.
    • The aquirer switch engine then send the decrypted 2805 message with the newly encrypted PIN back to aquirer HSM to be encrypted with the Bank 1 MAC key.
    • The resultant Bank 1 key encrypted message is then sent to Bank 1 for processing and/or passing to the card issuer (using a similar process as described above).
    • When the result is received back from the issuing bank it is encrypted with the Bank 1 MAC key (the pin will not be present in the result message).
    • This is then decrypted by the aquirer HSM, the transaction fate result stored into the aquirer merchant reporting system and the transaction fate re-encrypted with the original aquirer DUKPT key (should be different per terminal/merchant instance) and the result sent back to the terminal through the original established SSL encrypted terminal connection.

    The aquirer may terminate the the SSL connection on a hardware device such as a CISCO Content Service Switch (CSS), or equivalent instead of the design described in the diagram which terminates onto a SSL session server/gateway (Possibly including a Certificate Authority) or on the aquirer transaction switch.

    When PIN blocks are received by the aquirer processing centre, the PIN encryption is translated from the terminal key to the Local Master Key (LMK) by the Host Security Modules (HSM).

    When the message is sent on the upstream bank interchange link to the issuer or gateway , the aquirer HSM translates the encrypted PIN block from the LMK to the Zone Master Key (ZMK) of the aquirer interchange link. The PIN block is always encrypted using DEA3 (3DES) whenever outside of the Terminal or ATM.

    HSM-8000-User Guide V2.2

    New e-Commerce and Payment Technologies Company

    Recently I came across a new e-Commerce company called EFT Networks, which seems to have an exciting future in the Global Payments Market.

    It looks like they have a good mix of consulting and solution design.


    Electronic Payment

    Designed to enable both credit card and direct debit, EFT Networks electronic payment solutions work effectively across multiple sales channels—including Web, Contact Call Centre, IVR and EFTPOS. Manage your payment processing system in-house or outsource, depending on your business needs.

    Global Payments

    International commerce requires fully integrated global payment and risk management solutions. Requirements span the gamut of payment acceptance considerations from accepting local payment types, pricing in local currencies and dynamically updating prices with changes in exchange rates (dynamic currency conversion), authorising and settling in multiple currencies, to managing fraud and compliance issues such as tax and export regulations. EFT Networks offers a single interface to the global payment network to handle all of these considerations as your business grows.

    ICE – Reporting & Management

    The EFT Networks Enterprise Business Center gives you a single, easy-to-use interface for managing and configuring payment processing services.

    ICE caters for each area of the payment transaction cycle from authentication, authorisation, settlement, dispute resolution and reconciliation – enabling our clients to reduce transaction costs, eliminate fraud, minimise risk, maximise cash flow and increase profitability.


    EFT Networks provides flexible and secure payment and risk management integrations in to host and legacy systems as well as industry-leading software.

    Using industry standards and protocols, our solutions can be customised to suit your exact business requirements


    ICE (Intelligent Communications Exchange)

    At the core is our Intelligent Communications Exchange (ICE) which enables all known transaction enablers from EFTPOS to eCommerce to be routed directly to a client’s bank without intervention for real time acceptance and authentication.

    The EFT Networks ICE operates under a philosophy of total System and Physical redundancy delivering the highest uptime rates possible, whilst the transaction network is protected using Solid State and Application Firewalls on all points of ingress and egress.

    Every transaction processed through EFT Networks is encrypted using 128 bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption and submitted for authorisation through EFT Networks “Secure Virtual Private Network” (SVPN).

    Our commitment to security is also reflected in our swift compliance with Card Schemes security initiatives such as VerifiedByVisa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    EFT Networks comprehensive suit of online reporting tools combined with daily transaction reports will ensure that our clients always have access to up-to-date management information allowing Business Managers to make quick and well-informed business decisions. The decision making process is simplified even further with the power of daily reports that are customised to be imported into most existing legacy systems.