
    Archives for : script

    SSLv3 / TLS Man in the Middle vulnerability

    Recently I have been looking into the vulnerabilities in the TLS negotiation process discovered late last year.

    There are a range of experts debating the exploit methods, tools and how it may be fixed (server or client site or both). From what I have seen so far this may prompt a change to the TLS standard to introduce an extension to the protocol to validate sessions (session hand off and certificate validity).

    I’m also trying to find some tools which may assist in testing for this. It looks like the exploit relies on an ARP poison or similar and then inserting plain text into the negotiation process.

    Could be something that can be fixed over time as servers and clients are patched.

    Ham Radio Iphone applications

    I have a Iphone and have been loading Ham applications onto it… Below is a list of some of them.

    • Amateur Radio Exam Prep for iPhone – Amateur Radio License exams are composed of questions from a pool. Use this application to practice all possible questions prior to taking your exam
    • CallBook for iPhone– CallBook is an Amateur Radio application that allows you to look up call signs via the free WM7D server, the QRZ Online subscription service or the HamCall subscription server and track active APRS stations on Lookup results can be emailed and the QTH can be instantly viewed in the Maps application
    • Elmer for iPhone – iPhone Software to practice taking your Ham Radio Exam
    • Freq Finder: iPhone Repeater Directory – Freq Finder is an iPhone based Ham Radio Repeater Directory that locates repeaters based on the user location.
    • FreqLoader: iPhone companion for the mobile ham– FreqLoader is the perfect iPhone/iPod Touch companion for amateur radio operators, monitoring enthusiasts, shortwave listeners and anyone with an interest in the air waves. Whether you’re an active licensed ham or an avid scanner listener, FreqLoader will allow you to find what you’re looking for, keep track of your stations, maintain complete logs and share your finds with friends, groups and the world.
    • hamDXcluster for iPhone – DX Cluster for iPhone application
    • iLocator for iPhone – A small application for Apple iPhone that calculate grid locator from gps, wifi or gsm cells by IW2BSQ
    • iPhone Ham Radio Callsign Lookup– This webapp provides an iPhone-compatible lookup of Amateur Radio Callsigns. It provides the name, address, and license class (from the FCC’s public records) of any US-Licensed Amateur Radio Operator.
    • Morse Key for iPhone – A free simple touchscreen-based CW Morse Code straight key. Practice sending Morse Code on your iPhone.
    • IBCNU APRS on the Iphone - The Live IBCNU feed can be found here.
    • APRS – how to configure the application can be found at Find Maps  at


    EchoLink is finally available for the iPhone and iPod touch. It even allows me to use my Bluetooth car kit to have a QSO.

    HAM’s who use EchoLink on the PC and Mac will appreciate the value of this on the iPhone.

    SCADA considerations


    • Corporate Information Protection
    • Security Management
    • Information Classification
    • Physical (and Environmental) Security
    • Personnel Security
    • Security Awareness Training
    • Security Incident Response
    • Security Monitoring
    • Network Security
    • PC/Workstation Security
    • Support and Operational Security Related
    • Encryption and Information Confidentiality
    • Authorization Controls
    • Identification and Authentication Mechanisms
    • Systems Life Cycle Security
    • Business Continuity Planning
    • Media Security
    • Third Party Services

    Typical concerns and points discussion:

    • Inbound and out Bound FTP
    • Suggest use of DMZ
    • Suggest use of Secure FTP
    • Suggest use of restricted secure IP addresses / tunnelling
    • Suggest use of private feeds

    Modem issues used with dial in services

    • No dial back
    • No Authentication
    • No Secure ID
    • Possibly automated scripts used, so hard coded usernames and passwords used.
    • Internet sharing may be turned on, allowing routing via workstations.

    Increased data security and integrity considerations

    • Data backups
    • System redundancy
    • Site and content filtering
    • Virus protection
    • Standard system procurement (discounts and spares)
    • Network and services redundancy
    • Network monitoring
    • Service availability monitoring
    • Internal controls
    • Vendor / external service supplier
    • Capacity management
    • Change management system
    • Asset management system
    • Telecommunication and telephony bulk cost discounting
    • Etc.

    Use and support for corporate application considerations

    • Email
    • Intranet
    • Internet
    • Corporate virus protection
    • Asset management
    • Change management
    • Project management
    • Performance / capacity management
    • Reduction of Cost
    • Use of corporate applications
    • Reduction of manual processes

    Other things to keep in mind:

    • SCADA monitoring system must be isolated from network errors and systems events. This will prevent SCADA operational systems being effected by network or corporate system issues / outages.
    • Review Network topology to ensure internal and external vulnerabilities are not currently being and cannot be abused.
    • Review of router configurations
    • Use of change management system
    • Review remote dial in systems
    • Firewall SCADA systems off from corporate applications
    • Uncontrolled networks and systems within the SCADA environment will compromise the corporate environments integrity and security.
    • Determine if systems used within SCADA are built to a standard operating environment.

    World Clock

    I thought this was cool. It may come in handy for Ham Radio.

    How To Hijack Fast Food Drive-Thru Frequencies

    This is an article I found on the Phone Losers site I thought I would copy here so I can give it a go at some stage.

    How To Hijack Fast Food Drive-Thru Frequencies

    A few years back, some friends and I were messing around with a Taco Bell’s drive-thru frequencies. RijilV and isotek showed me how easy it was to hijack the frequencies of just about any fast food restaurant with a very simple mod to a ham radio. The radios they used were Yaesu VX-5 and VX-7 models. We had a few weeks of occasional fun, sitting a few parking lots away and saying all kinds of horrible things to potential fast food customers. For the most part, I didn’t record any of it. But you can find a few clips of our fast food hijinks if you scroll down on the PLA Sound Clips Archive page.

    Finally we decided to capture a bit of our FCC violations on video. But instead of capturing actual customers being harassed by us as they placed an order, I drove through the Taco Bell drive-thru myself with a video camera sitting on the dashboard. As I attempted to place my order, RijilV informed me of some crazy new Taco Bell policies and a manager immediately rushed out to explain to me that I wasn’t actually talking to an employee. Here is that video:

    After spending several years on Google Video and YouTube, it’s been watched approximately 20,000 times. And of those 20,000 people who have viewed it, approximately all of them have emailed me and asked me what kind of radio we used and how can they use a radio to do the same thing. So in the spirit of April 1st and in order to quell the number of emails sent to me and posts on the PLA Forums asking the same thing, I’ve decided to write this tutorial to help those people out.

    But I’m not going to explain how to modify a Yaesu VX5 or a Yaesu VX7. A simple Google search will show you how to modify these ham radios. The problem with these mods is that, even though they’re fairly simple, you have to buy the radios which could cost you anywhere from $200 – $400. Then, after removing a couple solder points, you have to learn how to use it, you have to look up fast food frequency lists, you have to understand the difference between the transmit frequencies and the receive frequencies and you have to scroll through PL tones using trial and error to find the correct one.

    Or how about we do this a different way. A way that uses a couple items that you might already have in your home. You can easily modify most old CB radios in a way that will allow them to transmit directly to drive-thru frequencies. You won’t have to scroll through hundreds of possible drive-thru frequencies, because a CB radio’s channels line up in exactly the same way as most drive-thru’s channels, only at a higher frequency. How do you get your CB radio to run at a higher frequency? A simple replacement of the crystal inside, with a 6.5536 MHz crystal. This triples the megahertz that are broadcast on and there is no learning required. You just take the modified CB radio to a fast food restaurant and start broadcasting to the customers.

    “But RBCP, I don’t have a 6.5536 MHz crystal lying around my house,” you might be whining at this point. But this isn’t true. Just about any house has several 6.5536 MHz crystals in them if you know where to look. This just happens to be the exact same crystal that you can find in electric heaters, hair dryers, electric stoves, curling irons, electric hot water heaters, irons, and toasters. These crystals are in just about any item that has heated coils and are used to control the frequency of the heating elements so that they don’t burn your house down.

    So for this modification you need…

    • 1 CB radio. It has to be a 40 channel CB radio with a digital display, which includes just about any CB radio manufactured after the mid 1980’s. The old 23 channel CBs from the 1970’s will not work. It can even be a walkie talkie CB radio. If you don’t have one, you can find one at Goodwill or a yard sale for probably less than $10.
    • 1 toaster. (Or other item with heating elements inside.) A toaster is the most ideal to use, because it’s almost guaranteed to have the crystal inside of it. It’s more common to find curling irons and hair dryers that don’t. Again, it should be a toaster manufactured within the past 20 years or so. Before that they didn’t have crystal requirements for toaster manufacturers. (And incidentally, there were a lot more electrical house fires back then.) Goodwill will probably have a toaster for less than $10.
    • 1 soldering iron and solder. Don’t worry if you don’t have soldering experience. It’s actually pretty easy. Click here for a soldering tutorial. You can purchase a soldering iron at Radio Shack or Sears for about $10.
    • A few screwdrivers

    Even if you have to buy all these materials, you’re only out $30. That’s a lot better than the $300 you might end up spending on a Yaesu radio. And some of you might already have all these items so you don’t have to pay anything. Ask a friend or a relative if they’ve got an old toaster or CB radio lying around that they don’t need.

    First you’ll want to take apart your toaster. This isn’t too hard. Just flip it upside down and start removing the screws. You’ll probably need to pull off the plastic lever and knobs before you remove the top of the toaster. Once you have the top off, you’ll see a green or brown circuit board inside.

    Flip the circuit board down and you’ll see all the components on the other side, including the 6.5536 MHz crystal. The crystal is silver and will have 6.5 stamped on the side of it. In the picture below, I’ve used an arrow to show you where it’s located.

    The crystal is likely in a different spot in other toasters, but it’s hard to mistake for any other electronic component. The crystal will have some form of 6.5 stamped on the side of it. In my toaster, it showed 6.55-12. While the official frequency needed is 6.5536 MHz, anything within 1.6 megahertz will work. So don’t worry if your crystal just says 6.5 or 6.50 – it’s all the same for our purposes.

    It’s kind of hard to see what I’m doing in the picture above, but I’m heating up the leads on the crystal from underneath with my soldering iron to melt the solder, and I’m pulling on the crystal from above with a pair of needle nose pliers. It only takes a few seconds to get the crystal out of the toaster.

    Now that the crystal is out of your toaster, throw your toaster away! Do not attempt to use it once the crystal is removed. Remember, the crystal is in there for safety and using your toaster without the crystal could burn your toast and/or start a kitchen fire. It’s likely your toaster won’t even turn on with the missing crystal, but please don’t even try. Just throw it away.

    As I mentioned before, just about any brand and model of CB radio will work, as long as it has the digital display on it. Which means, just about any CB radio manufactured after the mid 1980’s. These are the kinds of CB radios whose frequencies are controlled by a single crystal inside of them. For my mod, I used a Radio Shack TRC-207 walkie talkie CB radio, which is pictured above. I prefer using a walkie talkie CB radio because it doesn’t requiring sticking a huge CB antenna on the roof of my car which might be noticed if a fast food employee starts looking around the parking lot for the culprits.

    Taking apart your CB radio is just as easy as taking apart the toaster. Remove the screws and pop it open. You may or may not have to lift up the circuit board inside to find the crystal inside. In my particular model, the crystal actually plugged into a socket so I didn’t need to even desolder the old crystal. I just pulled it out with my fingers and then plugged in the new 6.55 MHz crystal. I don’t know how common this is, because in other CB radios that I’ve modified the crystal was soldered to the circuit board, just like in the toaster.

    Put your CB back together and test it to make sure it’s working. You’re finished! Obviously, you won’t be able to talk on normal CB channels anymore since your CB is transmitting and receiving at a much higher frequency now. But who cares, CB channels are lame anyway. Let’s hop in the car and drive to our nearest fast food establishment to test it out.

    Sit near the drive-thru and wait for a customer to pull up. While the customer is talking to the drive-thru speaker, start flipping through your channels until you hear them talking. I’ve found that most drive thrus end up being somewhere in the 16 – 25 channel range. I’ve never found one above channel 30 and only a few on channels 1 through 15. It all depends on how their drive-thru is set up and what frequencies they’re using. Anyway, push down your talk button and start talking to the customer.

    The cool thing about using a CB radio to transmit on drive-thru frequencies is that a CB is designed to work for several miles. The headsets that those fast food people wear are only designed to work for about 100 feet. So you can easily overpower the employees, even if you’re several parking lots away. In fact, you may be inadvertently screwing with several other drive-thrus in town without even knowing it. This is more likely when you’re using the kind of CB radio that’s supposed to be installed in a car. Those usually run on 5 watts and can cover an entire city. This is another reason I like to use my walkie talkie. It’s lucky if it will work for even a mile, so I’m only harassing one restaurant at a time.

    If you found this tutorial useful, you might also enjoy the video I’ve made on the same subject. It includes much of the same information in this tutorial, but also includes actual footage of us messing with a drive-thru with this CB mod. Enjoy!

    You might also enjoy our original Taco Bell Takeover video, our Happy Birthday drive-thru video and our Drive-Thru Shenanigans video.

    icon for podpress PLA TV: Hijacking Fast Food Frequencies [9:12m]: Download (4913)

    Local Copy

    My First Twitter Post

    VoIP and SIP links

    I’m looking at the Microsoft OCS server and other SIP integration environments. So I thought I would put the links here for others who were interested. I am also considering the issues associated with Mitel VoIP and OCS integration.

    It would be interesting if the Microsoft OCS could seamlessly allow the use of soft phones and the Mitel VoIP system. I assume a trunk needs to be setup between the two… Anyway something to look at.

    Office Communications Server 2007 VoIP Test Set

    OCS Testing Tool

    Connect Mitel and OCS2007

    Mitel 3300 & OCS – Ring on deskphone and softphone

    Connecting Mitel 3300cx and OCS


    OCS 2007 Best Practices Analyzer

    Secure Application Development links


    I have been putting some secure application development documents together recently and have found some good general tutorials and guidelines which I thought I would post here.

    Best Practices

    Other Resources

    Cisco Command Cheat Sheet

    I found a list of useful Cisco commands which I though I would post here.


    • Config# terminal editing – allows for enhanced editing commands
    • Config# terminal monitor – shows output on telnet session
    • Config# terminal ip netmask-format hexadecimal|bit-count|decimal – changes the format of subnet masks


    • Config# hostname ROUTER_NAME


    • Config# banner motd # TYPE MESSAGE HERE # – # can be substituted for any character, must start and finish the message


    • Config# description THIS IS THE SOUTH ROUTER – can be entered at the Config-if level


    • Config# clock timezone Central -6
      # clock set hh:mm:ss dd month yyyy – Example: clock set 14:13:00 25 August 2003


    • Config# config-register 0x2100 – ROM Monitor Mode
    • Config# config-register 0x2101 – ROM boot
    • Config# config-register 0x2102 – Boot from NVRAM


    • Config# boot system tftp FILENAME SERVER_IP – Example: boot system tftp 2600_ios.bin
    • Config# boot system ROM
    • Config# boot system flash – Then – Config# reload


    • Config# cdp run – Turns CDP on
    • Config# cdp holdtime 180 – Sets the time that a device remains. Default is 180
    • Config# cdp timer 30 – Sets the update timer.The default is 60
    • Config# int Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# cdp enable – Enables cdp on the interface
    • Config-if# no cdp enable – Disables CDP on the interface
    • Config# no cdp run – Turns CDP off


    • Config# ip host ROUTER_NAME INT_Address – Example: ip host lab-a
    • Config# ip host RTR_NAME INT_ADD1 INT_ADD2 INT_ADD3 – Example: ip host lab-a – (for e0, s0, s1)


    • Config# ip domain-lookup – Tell router to lookup domain names
    • Config# ip name-server – Location of DNS server
    • Config# ip domain-name – Domain to append to end of names


    • # clear interface Ethernet 0 – Clears counters on the specified interface
    • # clear counters – Clears all interface counters
    • # clear cdp counters – Clears CDP counters


    • Config# ip route Net_Add SN_Mask Next_Hop_Add – Example: ip route
    • Config# ip route Next_Hop_Add – Default route
    • Config# ip default-network Net_Add – Gateway LAN network


    • Config# ip routing – Enabled by default
    • Config# router rip
    • Config# router igrp 100
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ip address
    • Config-if# no shutdown


    • Config# ipx routing
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config# ipx maximum-paths 2 – Maximum equal metric paths used
    • Config-if# ipx network 222 encapsulation sap – Also Novell-Ether, SNAP, ARPA on Ethernet. Encapsulation HDLC on serial
    • Config-if# no shutdown


    IP Standard1-99
    IP Extended100-199
    IPX Standard800-899
    IPX Extended900-999
    IPX SAP Filters1000-1099


    • Config# access-list 10 permit – allow all src ip’s on network
    • Config# access-list 10 permit host – specifies a specific host
    • Config# access-list 10 permit any – allows any address
    • Config# int Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ip access-group 10 in – also available: out


    • Config# access-list 101 permit tcp eq telnet
      -protocols: tcp, udp, icmp, ip (no sockets then), among others
      -source then destination address
      -eq, gt, lt for comparison
      -sockets can be numeric or name (23 or telnet, 21 or ftp, etc)
    • Config# access-list 101 deny tcp any host eq www


    • Config# access-list 101 permit ip any any
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ip access-group 101 outIPX STANDARD:
    • Config# access-list 801 permit 233 AA3 – source network/host then destination network/host


    • Config# access-list 801 permit -1 -1 – “-1” is the same as “any” with network/host addresses
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ipx access-group 801 outIPX EXTENDED:
    • Config# access-list 901 permit sap 4AA all 4BB all
      – Permit protocol src_add socket dest_add socket
      -“all” includes all sockets, or can use socket numbers


    • Config# access-list 901 permit any any all any all
      -Permits any protocol with any address on any socket to go anywhere
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ipx access-group 901 inIPX SAP FILTER:
    • Config# access-list 1000 permit 4aa 3 – “3” is the service type


    • Config# access-list 1000 permit 4aa 0 – service type of “0” matches all services
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0
    • Config-if# ipx input-sap-filter 1000 – filter applied to incoming packets


    • Config-if# ipx output-sap-filter 1000 – filter applied to outgoing packets


    • Config# ip access-list standard LISTNAME
      -can be ip or ipx, standard or extended
      -followed by the permit or deny list
    • Config# permit any
    • Config-if# ip access-group LISTNAME in
      -use the list name instead of a list number
      -allows for a larger amount of access-lists


    • Config-if# encapsulation ppp
    • Config-if# ppp authentication chap pap
      -order in which they will be used
      -only attempted with the authentification listed
      -if one fails, then connection is terminated
    • Config-if# exit
    • Config# username Lab-b password 123456
      -username is the router that will be connecting to this one
      -only specified routers can connect


    • Config-if# ppp chap hostname ROUTER
    • Config-if# ppp chap password 123456
      -if this is set on all routers, then any of them can connect to any other
      -set same on all for easy configuration


    • Config# isdn switch-type basic-5ess – determined by telecom
    • Config# interface serial 0
    • Config-if# isdn spid1 2705554564 – isdn “phonenumber” of line 1
    • Config-if# isdn spid2 2705554565 – isdn “phonenumber” of line 2
    • Config-if# encapsulation PPP – or HDLC, LAPD

    DDR – 4 Steps to setting up ISDN with DDR Configure switch type

    1. Config# isdn switch-type basic-5ess – can be done at interface config

    2. Configure static routes
    Config# ip route – sends traffic destined for to
    Config# ip route bri0 – specifies how to get to network (through bri0)

    3. Configure Interface
    Config-if# ip address
    Config-if# no shutdown
    Config-if# encapsulation ppp
    Config-if# dialer-group 1 – applies dialer-list to this interface
    Config-if# dialer map ip name Lab-b 5551212
    connect to lab-b at 5551212 with ip if there is interesting traffic
    can also use “dialer string 5551212” instead if there is only one router to connect to

    4. Specify interesting traffic
    Config# dialer-list 1 ip permit any
    Config# dialer-list 1 ip list 101 – use the access-list 101 as the dialer list

    5. Other Options
    Config-if# hold-queue 75 – queue 75 packets before dialing
    Config-if# dialer load-threshold 125 either
    -load needed before second line is brought up
    -“125” is any number 1-255, where % load is x/255 (ie 125/255 is about 50%)
    -can check by in, out, or either

    Config-if# dialer idle-timeout 180
    -determines how long to stay idle before terminating the session
    -default is 120


    • Config# interface serial 0
    • Config-if# encapsulation frame-relay – cisco by default, can change to ietf
    • Config-if# frame-relay lmi-type cisco – cisco by default, also ansi, q933a
    • Config-if# bandwidth 56
    • Config-if# interface serial 0.100 point-to-point – subinterface
    • Config-if# ip address
    • Config-if# frame-relay interface-dlci 100
      -maps the dlci to the interface
      -can add BROADCAST and/or IETF at the end
    • Config-if# interface serial 1.100 multipoint
    • Config-if# no inverse-arp – turns IARP off; good to do
    • Config-if# frame-relay map ip 48 ietf broadcast
      -maps an IP to a dlci (48 in this case)
      -required if IARP is turned off
      -ietf and broadcast are optional
    • Config-if# frame-relay map ip 54 broadcast


    • Show access-lists – all access lists on the router
    • Show cdp – cdp timer and holdtime frequency
    • Show cdp entry * – same as next
    • Show cdp neighbors detail – details of neighbor with ip add and ios version
    • Show cdp neighbors – id, local interface, holdtime, capability, platform portid
    • Show cdp interface – int’s running cdp and their encapsulation
    • Show cdp traffic – cdp packets sent and received
    • Show controllers serial 0 – DTE or DCE status
    • Show dialer – number of times dialer string has been reached, other stats
    • Show flash – files in flash
    • Show frame-relay lmi – lmi stats
    • Show frame-relay map – static and dynamic maps for PVC’s
    • Show frame-relay pvc – pvc’s and dlci’s
    • Show history – commands entered
    • Show hosts – contents of host table
    • Show int f0/26 – stats of f0/26
    • Show interface Ethernet 0 – show stats of Ethernet 0
    • Show ip – ip config of switch
    • Show ip access-lists – ip access-lists on switch
    • Show ip interface – ip config of interface
    • Show ip protocols – routing protocols and timers
    • Show ip route – Displays IP routing table
    • Show ipx access-lists – same, only ipx
    • Show ipx interfaces – RIP and SAP info being sent and received, IPX addresses
    • Show ipx route – ipx routes in the table
    • Show ipx servers – SAP table
    • Show ipx traffic – RIP and SAP info
    • Show isdn active – number with active status
    • Show isdn status – shows if SPIDs are valid, if connected
    • Show mac-address-table – contents of the dynamic table
    • Show protocols – routed protocols and net_addresses of interfaces
    • Show running-config – dram config file
    • Show sessions – connections via telnet to remote device
    • Show startup-config – nvram config file
    • Show terminal – shows history size
    • Show trunk a/b – trunk stat of port 26/27
    • Show version – ios info, uptime, address of switch
    • Show vlan – all configured vlan’s
    • Show vlan-membership – vlan assignments
    • Show vtp – vtp configs

    For Native IOS – Not CatOS


    • Config# ip address
    • Config# ip default-gateway MODE:
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0/5 – “fastethernet” for 100 Mbps ports
    • Config-if# duplex full – also, half | auto | full-flow-control


    • Config# switching-mode store-and-forward – also, fragment-free


    • Config# mac-address-table permanent aaab.000f.ffef e0/2 – only this mac will work on this port
    • Config# mac-address-table restricted static aaab.000f.ffef e0/2 e0/3
      -port 3 can only send data out port 2 with that mac
      -very restrictive security
    • Config-if# port secure max-mac-count 5 – allows only 5 mac addresses mapped to this port


    • Config# vlan 10 name FINANCE
    • Config# interface Ethernet 0/3
    • Config-if# vlan-membership static 10TRUNK LINKS:
    • Config-if# trunk on – also, off | auto | desirable | nonegotiate
    • Config-if# no trunk-vlan 2
      -removes vlan 2 from the trunk port
      -by default, all vlans are set on a trunk port



    • Config# delete vtp – should be done prior to adding to a network
    • Config# vtp server – the default is server, also client and transparent
    • Config# vtp domain Camp – name doesn’t matter, just so all switches use the same
    • Config# vtp password 1234 – limited security
    • Config# vtp pruning enable – limits vtp broadcasts to only switches affected
    • Config# vtp pruning disableFLASH UPGRADE:
    • Config# copy tftp:// opcode – “opcode” for ios upgrade, “nvram” for startup config


    • Config# delete nvram


    • show ip bgp – Displays entries in the BGP routing table.
    • show ip bgp injected-paths – Displays paths in the BGP routing table that were conditionally injected.
    • show ip bgp neighbors – Displays information about the TCP and BGP connections to neighbors.

    BGP Conditional Route Injection:

    Step 1 Router(config)# router bgp as-number
    -  Places the router in router configuration mode, and configures the router to run a BGP process.

    Step 2 Router(config-router)# bgp inject-map ORIGINATE exist-map LEARNED_PATH
    -  Configures the inject-map named ORIGINATE and the exist-map named LEARNED_PATH for conditional route injection.

    Step 3 Router(config-router)# exit
    -Exits router configuration mode, and enters global configuration mode.

    Step 4 Router(config)# route-map LEARNED_PATH permit sequence-number
    – Configures the route map named LEARNED_PATH.

    Step 5 Router(config-route-map)# match ip address prefix-list ROUTE
    – Specifies the aggregate route to which a more specific route will be injected.

    Step 6 Router(config-route-map# match ip route-source prefix-list ROUTE_SOURCE
    – Configures the prefix list named ROUTE_SOURCE to redistribute the source of the route.
    Note The route source is the neighbor address that is configured with the neighbor remote-as command. The tracked prefix must come from this neighbor in order for conditional route injection to occur.

    Step 7 Router(config-route-map)# exit
    – Exits route-map configuration mode, and enters global configuration mode.

    Step 8
    Router(config)# route-map ORIGINATE permit 10
    – Configures the route map named ORIGINATE.

    Step 9 Router(config-route-map)# set ip address prefix-list ORIGINATED_ROUTES
    – Specifies the routes to be injected.

    Step 10 Router(config-route-map)# set community community-attribute additive
    – Configures the community attribute of the injected routes.

    Step 11 Router(config-route-map)# exit
    – Exits route-map configuration mode, and enters global configuration mode.

    Step 12
    Router(config)# ip prefix-list ROUTE permit
    – Configures the prefix list named ROUTE to permit routes from network

    Step 13 Router(config)# ip prefix-list ORIGINATED_ROUTES permit
    – Configures the prefix list named ORIGINATED_ROUTES to permit routes from network

    Step 14 Router(config)# ip prefix-list ORIGINATED_ROUTES permit
    – Configures the prefix list named ORIGINATED_ROUTES to permit routes from network

    Step 15 Router(config)# ip prefix-list ROUTE_SOURCE permit
    – Configures the prefix list named ROUTE_SOURCE to permit routes from network
    Note The route source prefix list must be configured with a /32 mask in order for conditional route injection to occur.


    Step 1 (config)# interface ethernet0/0
    (config-if)#ip address
    (config-if)# no shutdown
    – Configure an IP address on the router’s Ethernet port, and bring up the interface. (On an existing router, you would have already done this.)

    Step 2 (config)# ip dhcp pool mypool
    – Create a DHCP IP address pool for the IP addresses you want to use.

    Step 3 (dhcp-config)# network /8
    – Specify the network and subnet for the addresses you want to use from the pool.

    Step 4 (dhcp-config)#domain-name
    – Specify the DNS domain name for the clients.

    Step 5 (dhcp-config)#dns-server
    – Specify the primary and secondary DNS servers.

    Step 6 (dhcp-config)#default-router
    – Specify the default router (i.e., default gateway).

    Step 7 (dhcp-config)#lease 7
    – Specify the lease duration for the addresses you’re using from the pool.

    Step 8 (dhcp-config)#exit
    – Exit Pool Configuration Mode.

    This takes you back to the global configuration prompt.

    Next, exclude any addresses in the pool range that you don’t want to hand out.

    For example, let’s say that you’ve decided that all IP addresses up to .100 will be for static IP devices such as servers and printers. All IP addresses above .100 will be available in the pool for DHCP clients.

    Here’s an example of how to exclude IP addresses .100 and below:

    Optional (config)#ip dhcp excluded-address

    The full DHCP reference can be found on the CISCO site.

    Common Commands and Troubleshooting

    • Set a password on the console line:
      • configure terminal
      • line console 0
      • password ‘cisco’
      • login
    • Passwords are case sensitive.
    • You must configure a password on the VTY lines, without one no one will be able to telnet to the switch/router.
    • The default mode when logging into a switch/router via telnet or SSH is user exec mode, which is indicated by the ‘>’ prompt.
    • To configure the switch/router you need to use the privileged EXEC mode. To do this you enter the enable command in user EXEC mode. The prompt is indicated with ‘#’.
    • If both enable secret and enable password are set, the enable secret will be used.
    • The enable secret is encrypted (by default) where as the enable password is in clear text.
    • In a config containing an enable secret 5 ‘hash’ the 5 refers to the level of encryption being used.
    • If no enable password/secret has been set when someone telnets to the device, they will get a ‘%No password set’ message. Someone with physical access must set the password.
    • To place all telnet users directly into enable mode:
      • configure terminal
      • line vty 0 4
      • privilege level 15
    • To put a specific user directly into privileged EXEC mode (enable mode)
      • username superman privilege 15 password louise
    • Telnet sends all data including passwords in clear text which can be intercepted.
    • SSH encrypts all data preventing an attacker from intercepting it.
    • Setting up a local user/password login database for use with telnet:
      • configure terminal
      • line vty 0 4
      • login local
      • exit
      • username telnetuser1 password secretpass
    • To set up SSH you need to create the local user database, the domain name must be specified with the ip domain-name command and a crypto key must be created with the crypto key generate rsa command. To enable SSH on the VTY lines, use the command transport input ssh.
    • If you connect two Cisco switches together and the lights don’t go amber then green, but instead stays off. A straight through cable has been used instead of a crossover cable.
    • The term ‘a switches management interface’ normally refers to VLAN1.
    • Assign a default gateway using the ip default-gateway ipaddress command.
    • You can use the command interface range fasterthernet 0/1 – 12 to select a range of interfaces to configure at once.
    • MOTD banner appears before login prompt.
    • The login banner appears before the login prompt but after the MOTD banner.
    • The banner exec appears after a successful logon.
    • line con 0 – configuring the logging synchronous on the console port stops the router from displaying messages (like an interface state change) until it detects no input from the keyboard and not other output from the router, such as a show commands output.
    • exec-timeout x y (x=minutes, y=seconds) – the default is 5 minutes. Can be disabled by setting x=0 y=0
    • Shortcut commands
      • Up Arrow – will show you the last command you entered. Control+P does the same thing.
      • Down Arrow – will bring you one command up in the command history. Control+N does the same thing.
      • CTRL+A takes the cursor to the start of the current command.
      • CTRL+E takes the cursor to the end of the current command.
      • Left arrow or CTRL+B moves backwards (towards the start) of the command one character at a time.
      • Right arrow or CTRL+P moves forwards (towards the end) of the command one character at a time.
      • CTRL+D deletes one character (the same as backspace).
      • ESC+B moves back one word in the current command.
      • ESC+F moves forward one word in the current command.
    • show history command will show the last 10 commands run by default.
    • the history size can be increased individually on the console port and on the VTY lines with the history size x command.
    • Config modes
      • config t R1<config> is the global configuration mode.
      • line vty 0 4 R1<config-line> is the line config mode.
      • interface fastethernet 0/1 R1<config-if> interface config mode.
    • Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) runs by default on Cisco routers and switches. It runs globally and on a per-interface level.
    • CDP discovers basic information about neighboring switches and routers.
    • On media that supports multicasts at the data link layer, CDP uses multicast frames. on other media, CDP sends a copy of the CDP update to any known data-link addresses.
    • The show cdp command shows CDP settings.
    • CDP can be disabled globally using the command no cdp run and re-enable using cdp run.
    • CDP can be disabled at an interface level using the no cdp enable command at the sub-interface level.
    • The command show cdp neighbor – lists one summary line of information about each neighbor. Including:
      • Device ID – the remote devices hostname.
      • Local Interface – the local switch/router interface connected to the remote host.
      • Holdtime – is the number of seconds the local device will retain the contents of the last CDP advertisement received from the remote host.
      • Capability – shows you the type of device the remote host is.
      • Platform – is the remote devices hardware platform.
      • Port ID – is the remote interface on the direct connection.
    • The command show cdp neighbor detail – lists one large set (approx 15 lines) of information, one set for every neighbor. Including:
      • The IOS version.
      • VTP management domain.
      • Management addresses.
    • show cdp entry name – lists the same information as the show cdp neighbors detail command, but only for the named neighbor (case sensitive).
    • show cdp – states whether CDP is enabled globally, and lists the default update and holdtime timers.
    • show cdp traffic – lists global statistics for the number of CDP advertisements sent and received.
    • show cdp interface type number – states whether CDP is enabled on each interface or a single interface if the interface is listed, and states the update and holdtime timers on those interfaces.
    • CDP should be disabled on interfaces it is not needed to limit risk of an attacker learning details about each switch or router. Use the no cdp enable interface subcommand to disable CDP and the cdp enable interface subcommand to re-enable it.
    • The command show cdp interface shows the CDP settings for every interface.
    • Interface status messages:
      • Interface status is down/down – this indicates a physical problem, most likely a loose or unplugged cable.
      • Line protocol is down, up/down – this indicates a problem at the logical level, most likely an encapsulation mismatch or a missing clock rate.
      • Administratively down – this indicates the interface has been shutdown and needs to be manually opened with the sub interface command no shutdown.
    • The command show mac-address-table shows the mac address table. show mac-address-table dynamic sows the dynamically learned entries only.
    • Most problems on a switch are caused by human error – misconfiguration.
    • The command show debugging shows all the currently running debugs.
    • undebug all – will turn all debugging off.
    • The command show vlan brief shows a switches VLAN configuration.
    • If pinging fails on a pc, there is a problem with the local PC, most likely a bad install of TCP/IP.
    • On a pc the command netstat -rn shows the pc’s routing table.
    • Additional Telnet commands:
      • show sessions shows information about each telnet session, the where command does the same thing.
      • resume x, x being the session number is used to resume a telnet session.
      • To suspend a session use the command CTRL+ALT+6.
      • To disconnect an open session use the command disconnect x, x being the session number.
    • Ping result codes:
      • !!!!! – IP connectivity to the destination is ok.
      • ….. – IP connectivity to the destination does not exist.
      • U.U.U – the local router has a route to the destination, but a downstream router does not.
    • debug ip packet – can help troubleshooting the above ping results.
    • When using traceroute or extended ping the Escape Sequence is: CTRL+SHIFT+6.
    • Extended ping can only be run from enable mode.
    • If a routing table contains multiple routes to the same destination with multiple next hops and the prefixes are different, the most specific (longest) prefix route will be used. If all of the prefix lengths are the same the Administrative Distance will be used. [AD/Metric].
    • Administrative Distance is a measure of a routes believability, with a lower AD being more believable than a route with a higher AD. AD only comes into play if the prefix lengths are the same.
    • You can set the Administrative Distance on a static route with the command ip route 150, you would do this to set a backup route if a dynamic route fails/is not available in the routing table.

    Cisco NX-OS/IOS BGP (Advanced) Comparison

    These may also assist: Undocumented Cisco Commands